UPS systems
Uninterruptible power supply
Just in case
Dynamic uninterruptible diesel power supply
Life is made up of strength. In a world where Uninterruptible power supply is crucial for the success and quality of services, the development of UPS systems and Emergency power supplies requires the greatest possible responsibility, quality and efficiency.
For more than 70 years tailor-made solutions for power supply have been a focus area of Hitzinger Electric Power. We are the experts for your specific UPS system and make sure you have the power when you need it. Anytime. Anywhere.
Product variants
Dynamic UPS Systems from HITZINGER are used to achieve a constant, uninterruptible power supply of high quality. U POWER is available in the variants HPCON (HITZINGER Power Conditioning) and NBDD (No-Break Dynamic Diesel).
Clean Power & Power condition
An excerpt from our projects in which we guarantee an uninterruptible power supply with our UPS systems.
Do you need support? Our service team will be happy to take time for you!
Spare Parts
With our international locations, we can support you with spare parts quickly and easily — worldwide.
Further informationTechnical support
Is your power supply not running optimally? Do you need support from our experts? We are happy to help!
Further informationRepair
One of your Hitzinger products needs a repair? Simply contact us now — we will take care of it!
Further information