About us

With 75 years of Aus­trian engi­neering exper­tise, we are one of the leading sup­pliers of gen­er­a­tors, aggre­gates, con­verters, UPS sys­tems and air­port equipment.


Inno­va­tion. Any­time. Anywhere.

We judge the power of inno­va­tion by the ben­e­fits it offers the user. More per­for­mance with less effort and optimal han­dling is our top pri­ority. We focus on cus­tomer ori­en­ta­tion instead of stan­dard solu­tions. This is how we build the green energy of tomorrow.


The 1946 by Dipl.-Ing. The com­pany founded by Walter Hitzinger quickly devel­oped from the repair of destroyed elec­tric and com­bus­tion engines to an impor­tant elec­trical engi­neering company.

As early as 1955, the first three-phase syn­chro­nous gen­er­ator of our own design was brought onto the market. Walter Hitzinger under­stood like no other of his time the impor­tance of a moti­vated work­force and estab­lished a solid basis for coop­er­a­tion with social ben­e­fits, which led to employee par­tic­i­pa­tion in the com­pany, the estab­lish­ment of a spa­cious appren­tice work­shop and man­age­ment by employees.


At the same time, he was a pio­neer and visionary, a pur­poseful orga­nizer and a vir­tuoso of building work in other com­pa­nies as well. As Gen­eral Director of VÖEST, he made it a flag­ship com­pany with high social ben­e­fits while increasing pro­duc­tivity at the same time. As Chairman of the Board of Man­age­ment of Daimler-Benz AG, he sig­nif­i­cantly expanded Mercedes’s market par­tic­i­pa­tion in the mid-range segment.

Together with his “col­league” Dipl. Ing. Hans Schäcke, man­aging partner from the very begin­ning, Walter Hitzinger ensured the insti­tu­tion­al­ized link between visionary inno­va­tion and sus­tain­able cor­po­rate devel­op­ment based on the greatest resource, the employees. The focus on tailor-made solu­tions soon resulted in a large number of long-term cus­tomer relationships.


Contact Customer Service

You need support? Our service team will be happy to take time for you!


MONDAY - THURSDAY 8.00 - 16.00
FRIDAY 8.00 - 12.00


Tel: +43 732 381 681-366
E-Mail: parts@hitzinger.at


Tel: +43 732 381 681-385
E-Mail: support@hitzinger.at

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