
New power through syn­chro­nous generators

The 1st choice for small hydropower plants

With 75 years of expe­ri­ence in the design and man­u­fac­ture of syn­chro­nous gen­er­a­tors, we know exactly what is impor­tant when it comes to hydropower. HYDRO POWER stands for max­imum oper­a­tional safety, economy and envi­ron­mental com­pat­i­bility. Thanks to the max­imum flex­i­bility in design and equip­ment, Hitzinger gen­er­a­tors are ideal for small hydropower plants.

Rough Spec­i­fi­ca­tions

Power: 70 to 7200 kVA

Speed: 214 to 1800 U/min

Over­speed: up to 3,5 times the rated speed

Degree of pro­tec­tion: IP 21 to IP 55

Product details

Sus­tain­ably guar­an­teed per­for­mance for renew­able energy

Hitzinger gen­er­a­tors are char­ac­ter­ized by max­imum effi­ciency with the greatest flex­i­bility and safety. Our expe­ri­ence vouches for pio­neering tech­nology that delivers max­imum per­for­mance with the highest level of envi­ron­mental compatibility.

The com­plete ful­fill­ment of indi­vidual require­ments is our stan­dard. In this way we guar­antee inde­pen­dence and secu­rity of supply with optimal eco­nomic efficiency.

From the task to the idea, from plan­ning to pro­duc­tion, from oper­a­tion to main­te­nance: Our focus is on the devel­op­ment of sus­tain­able, indi­vidual solu­tions that con­tin­u­ally rede­fine the state of the art. 

Product vari­ants at a glance

The ideal solu­tion for every requirement.

Hor­i­zontal HYDRO POWER

Hor­i­zontal syn­chro­nous generators


Ver­tical syn­chro­nous generators

More prod­ucts

Sim­ilar prod­ucts to HYDRO POWER:


Do you need sup­port? Our ser­vice team will be happy to take time for you! 

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Spare Parts

With our inter­na­tional loca­tions, we can sup­port you with spare parts quickly and easily — worldwide.

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Tech­nical support

Is your power supply not run­ning opti­mally? Do you need sup­port from our experts? We are happy to help!

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One of your Hitzinger prod­ucts needs a repair? Simply con­tact us now — we will take care of it!

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longevity & sustainable


With our refur­bish­ment, your Hitzinger prod­ucts will be like new again, even after decades!


Contact Customer Service

You need support? Our service team will be happy to take time for you!


MONDAY - THURSDAY 8.00 - 16.00
FRIDAY 8.00 - 12.00


Tel: +43 732 381 681-366
E-Mail: parts@hitzinger.at


Tel: +43 732 381 681-385
E-Mail: support@hitzinger.at

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