R POWER decentralized
Rotating ground power supply
Rotating & at “point of use”
Decentralized, secure and reliable
Rotating 400 Hz converters are characterized by their extremely robust design without any mains feedback. They are particularly overload capable, maintenance-free and durable.
Decentralized rotating 400 Hz converters can be installed close to the supply point — the “point of use”. In this way, the respective aircraft is supplied safely and reliably via the shortest route. Aircraft manufacturers, maintenance companies, hangar operators and airports have relied on the proven quality of R POWER for decades.
Rough specifications
Performance class: 40 to 220 kVA
Drive: asynchronous or synchronous motor
Input voltage: 3 x 200/380/400/440/480 or 690 V
Input frequency:: 50 or 60 Hz
Output voltage: 200/115, 575/333 or 960/555 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Distortion factor: 1,5 %
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The R POWER is characterized by robustness, durability, optimized efficiency with compact dimensions and low noise emission. Low maintenance requirements, simplest serviceability and operation complete the picture of a unit that has been successfully established on the market for decades. We guarantee optimum and reliable performance for special applications.
Ready for use in all conditions
Lifespan of more than 25 years
Reliable: MTBF > 50.000 h
Simplified user option
High efficiency
Maximum serviceability
Safe operation
Simplified operation
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Further informationTechnical support
Is your power supply not running optimally? Do you need support from our experts? We are happy to help!
Further informationRepair
One of your Hitzinger products needs a repair? Simply contact us now — we will take care of it!
Further informationlongevity & sustainable
With our refurbishment, your Hitzinger products will be like new again, even after decades!