R POWER decentralized

Rotating ground power supply

Rotating & at “point of use”

Decen­tral­ized, secure and reliable

Rotating 400 Hz con­verters are char­ac­ter­ized by their extremely robust design without any mains feed­back. They are par­tic­u­larly over­load capable, main­te­nance-free and durable.

Decen­tral­ized rotating 400 Hz con­verters can be installed close to the supply point — the “point of use”. In this way, the respec­tive air­craft is sup­plied safely and reli­ably via the shortest route. Air­craft man­u­fac­turers, main­te­nance com­pa­nies, hangar oper­a­tors and air­ports have relied on the proven quality of R POWER for decades.

Rough spec­i­fi­ca­tions

Per­for­mance class: 40 to 220 kVA
Drive: asyn­chro­nous or syn­chro­nous motor
Input voltage: 3 x 200/380/400/440/480 or 690 V
Input fre­quency:: 50 or 60 Hz
Output voltage: 200/115, 575/333 or 960/555 V
Fre­quency: 400 Hz
Dis­tor­tion factor: 1,5 % [/kc_column_text][/kc_column_inner][/kc_row_inner][kc_button text_title=“Enquiry to sales” _id=“606800” ex_class=“btn-big btn-grid” link=“mailto:airport@hitzinger.at||”][kc_button text_title=“Contact ser­vice” _id=“938517” ex_class=“btn-big btn-grid” link=“mailto:support@hitzinger.at||”][/kc_column][/kc_row][kc_row use_container=“yes” _id=“20159” cols_gap=”{‘kc-css‘:{}}” force=“__empty__” css_custom=”{‘kc-css‘:{‘any‘:{‘box‘:{‘margin|‘:‘0px inherit inherit inherit‘,‘padding|‘:‘0px inherit inherit inherit‘}}}}”][kc_column width=“50%” _id=“517800”][kc_title text=“UHJvZHVjdGRldGFpbHM=” _id=“944685” type=“h2”][kc_column_text _id=“248588”] The R POWER is char­ac­ter­ized by robust­ness, dura­bility, opti­mized effi­ciency with com­pact dimen­sions and low noise emis­sion. Low main­te­nance require­ments, sim­plest ser­vice­ability and oper­a­tion com­plete the pic­ture of a unit that has been suc­cess­fully estab­lished on the market for decades. We guar­antee optimum and reli­able per­for­mance for spe­cial applications.

R Power
Product- benefits

Ready for use in all conditions
Lifespan of more than 25 years
Reli­able: MTBF > 50.000 h
Sim­pli­fied user option
High efficiency
Max­imum serviceability
Safe operation
Sim­pli­fied operation

Related prod­ucts


Do you need sup­port? Our ser­vice team will be happy to take time for you! 

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Spare Parts

With our inter­na­tional loca­tions, we can sup­port you with spare parts quickly and easily — worldwide.

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Tech­nical support

Is your power supply not run­ning opti­mally? Do you need sup­port from our experts? We are happy to help!

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One of your Hitzinger prod­ucts needs a repair? Simply con­tact us now — we will take care of it!

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longevity & sustainable


With our refur­bish­ment, your Hitzinger prod­ucts will be like new again, even after decades!


Contact Customer Service

You need support? Our service team will be happy to take time for you!


MONDAY - THURSDAY 8.00 - 16.00
FRIDAY 8.00 - 12.00


Tel: +43 732 381 681-366
E-Mail: parts@hitzinger.at


Tel: +43 732 381 681-385
E-Mail: support@hitzinger.at

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